Debbie Ewald
Writer & Speaker
Finding God's greatness in a broken world.
They were all amazed at the greatness of God [as they witnessed Jesus' healing miracles].
Luke 9:43
Misfits on a Journey with Jesus: A 30-Day Exploration
My first book is a labor of love that spans several years in the making. It's not out yet but here is what some of my beta readers have said about it.
"The Bible is such a huge book! Forty authors spanning 1500 years; from paupers to princes, multiple themes, prophecies, poetry, history. Where do you start?! What Debbie has done with Misfits on a Journey with Jesus is taken the Gospel of Matthew and compressed it into an easy and fun way to convey the central truths of Jesus' ministry. Using ordinary people, misfits, like you and me, Jesus changed the world. Travel along on the journey with Jesus and His band of misfits and find your place in His story. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and highly recommend it. I believe it will be a valuable tool for teens and new believers."
Randy Abbott, founder & pastor of Misfts for Jesus Church,
Warrenton, MO
"I love the layout of this book! Parents, this is a perfect gift to your teenager who might be asking questions about God. They will discover the love that Jesus has for them. If you are looking for a simple devotional that focuses on the life of Christ, choose Misfits on a Journey with Jesus."
Dallas Smith, student pastor at First Baptist Church of Gainesville, Gainesville, TX
"This engaging, interactive study of Jesus' life as depicted in the book of Matthew is sure to change someone's life. Deceptively simple, the language and stories powerfully guide and challenge the reader toward the most important decision of his or her life."
Sonja Anderson, Vice President of Northwest Christian Writer's Assc. & author of the Adventures of Sophie Topfeather series.
"What else can I say? I love this book! Misfits takes teens on a whirlwind adventure through the first half of the book of Matthew, sharing biblical truth and teaching important lessons; at the same time getting laughs from its readers."
Samuel, a teen & writer
I found Misfits on a Journey with Jesus to be worded very well and lets people think at the right spots.
Olivia, a teen
Look for the sequel, The Misfit Journey Continues, in Fall 2021.
I also write devotionals that have been published in Unlocked, Daily Readings for Teens. You can follow them on Instagram: @UnlockedDevo.