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Debbie Ewald

Be Still for the God-Hugs

This morning thoughts ping-ponged as I tried to pray. The noise in my head did not match up with the desire in my heart: to worship God. Finally, I moved from my kneeling position and laid face down on the floor. I realized that I needed a posture of stillness.

Face down, I meditated on two scriptures, starting with Psalm 46:10: "Be still and know that I am God."

Then, I focused on who God is as a loving God. John tells us that God is love (1 John 4:16). Then I felt it, the God-hug.

God, Powerfully Loving Us

I realize that if we read on in Psalm 46:10, we see God exalted over the nations, and I am thankful for God's power and sovereignty. But I believe for me, in this moment, God wanted me to know Him in His love; His abiding love (1 John 4:16). In fact, God loves us so much that He gave us a precious gift: Jesus, the One who perfectly shows us God's eternal love (John 3:16).

World on Hold

During this time of #COVIDcraziness, many of us have had to slow way down because the world is on hold (or so it seems). But I sense for some of us, pointing a finger at myself, our minds are racing.

  • Will the job offer still be there for me in six months?

  • I didn't wear my mask into the store. Will I catch COVID?

  • I have a sore throat and a headache. Do I have COVID?

  • And on and on it goes.

God does not want us to live in fear and anxiety, and current world events do not change the truths about God and His kingdom. He is a God worth knowing. He is love.

My friends, I pray that today you will get still before your loving Father. It doesn't have to be stretched out on the floor. It can be anywhere. Anytime. Meditate on His word and on His character. Find joy in God loving you. God-hugs included.

Originally posted as a micro-blog on June 8, 2020

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